1685 | Shadow Owes Its Birth To Light

A Project In Between Classical Music, Electronic Music, and Visual Art

1685: The year in which the three great composers of the Baroque were born has so far been a little subdued …

* 23.02 – Georg Friedrich Händel
* 31.03 – Johann Sebastian Bach
* 26.10 – Domenico Scarlatti

León de Castillo, the Valsassina Ensemble and the Mexican-American visual artist and composer Gavin Gamboa set out to reinvestigate aspects of their music.

The project contains motifs, quotes, and melodies of the three baroque composers, which is staged in an interdisciplinary work. The essential moment and the synthesis of the “old” and “new” music or art form is manifested.

Filmed in Schikaneder Kino, Vienna, Austria | October 2015 | http://1685.ml